
Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't Shoot!

Well, it looks like I get to be the bearer of bad tidings once again...

Currently, our factory is undergoing renovations in preparation for some new equipment and production capabilities. Today, unbeknownst to me, the central and side stairways have been resurfaced and varnished. In addition to the borderline toxic, chemical stench that even now I'm choking on in my office, the varnish takes 36 to 48 hours to completely dry. This makes all access points to the gaming area unusable until Monday. Therefore, I have no choice but to cancel tonight's Hobby Night.

To avoid last minute let downs and for your planning, let me also say that we won't be able to convene here for Hobby Night on June 5th, 12th, and 19th. We also need to push the Birthday Celebration back to June 27th. This is all due to a busy month of retooling and overseas visits from the senior management of Battlefront Miniatures. Hobby Night, while important to us all, must come second to factory requirements when it's all said and done. Usually, there's no conflict. Unfortunately, May/June seems to be a rough month for us.

I know everyone, myself included, was looking forward to coming tonight, especially after missing last week. It's a fun time, and Legio has grown from its humble beginnings. It's disappointing when we can't gather and enjoy our hobby as we expect to be able to do, and even more so when we find out at the last minute. My sincerest apologies.

Let me also say that this work will finish, and when that happens Legio Malaysia will benefit. Plans are in the works to expand our gaming tables and space. New activities are on the horizon, including a 40K campaign that I'm very excited about. Despite the lost Hobby Nights, I'm sure we'll get things back on track quickly, and get back to the business of HOBBY!



Thursday, May 21, 2009

Real Life Rears Its Ugly Head...

Howdy folks,

Unfortunately, I have some disappointing news to convey in this post. Due to production and overtime requirements here at the factory, I'm going to have to cancel tomorrow's Hobby Night, and postpone the Birthday Celebration until June 20th. Yes, I know, this is last minute, and I'm sure many of you will be as disappointed as I am. However, this is unavoidable.

Hosting Legio at the factory is a great thing. We have a good space with ample parking, well lit, and there's a good number of tables (that will soon be increasing!). But, when we have to work the occasional weekend to make toy soldiers, our primary duty at the factory must lie there. I hope everyone understands.

The good news is that the Flames of War hobby continues to do well despite the global economic struggles. This month we're having to make A LOT of toy soldiers to keep up with demand. :)

Hobby Night will resume on Friday, May 29th at the normal time.

Due to a factory refit, overtime, and SPORE 2009, the next best day to schedule our Birthday Celebration is Saturday, June 20th. All other details remain the same. Look at the bright side- you now have more time to work on your Golden Kris entry! :)

Thanks for everyone's understanding in this scheduling issue.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Adieu Saleem - For Now

Last night was an amazing Hobby Night - and not just because it's Saleem's last (at least for some time). If you don't know who Saleem is, he's a pioneer member of the Legio from the very first Hobby Night. His contribution to the hobby, the wargames community and to the Legio is nothing short of exemplary. Not only does he engage in a myriad of wargames periods and genres (15mm WW2 Soviets, Warmachine, 40k Sisters of Battle, and the list goes on ...), Saleem and Jeff spent many a sweaty weekday and weekend evening building the terrain that you enjoy at the Legio today, and is always an active contributor to Legio activities and events. His Purity Seal is truly well-deserved. Saleem received his posting orders and will be shipping out to Tallarn promptly. May he bring some hobby goodness to the shifting desert sands. Emperor Protects!

I would also like to welcome the latest Legionnaires - Yvonne, Ernest, Joe, Khairul, Keh Win - who volunteered into the ranks of the Legio last night. Which, by the way, was an amazing Hobby Night.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bring Them Big Toyz! Spore Apoc Game Registration

If you think everyone's going down to Spore 2009 just for the tourneys, think again. There will be an Apoc game on Sunday and all you need to do is register for it. Read the rules and the registration by downloading the form at

Whaddya think? Should I bring 3 Baneblades? 2 Baneblades and the Shadowsword?

Reminder: Deadline for Spore 2009 40k Tourney

Just a reminder that the deadline for registration to the Spore 2009 40k tourney is 31st May. I do strongly suggest that if you haven't done so yet, please confirm your registration ASAP to avoid any disappointment (i.e, us Legio folk aren't the only ones attending the tourney). Just drop by hobby night and go see Azlan to confirm your registration.

Also, the deadline for army lists for the same tournament is 31st May. You may mail your army list directly to the tournament organizer in the email provided in the rules pack. Remember to make the presentation of the army list pimp. For a useful template, young Jo has prepared this for us:

As the time for battle approaches I know each one of you are super-busy modeling, painting, trying out army builds, engaging in training and manouvers, building the terrain piece for the terrain comp, etc. I'm totally stoked myself. 5 weeks to go, including this one. OMG, still got 16 bikes and the Master to paint! Good luck everyone!

Deathkorps Update: If you're having problems downloading this file, you can get it directly from Legio Malaysia:


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spore Road Trip

To recap on last night's meeting - so far we have 13 people on the list to Spore in June, out of which 8 will be there for the entire weekend, and the rest going home after the 40k tourney.

So the plan is:

Depart KL Friday morning, 10am. Arrive JB and check-in to hotel. Hang out, paint, eat, drink, sleep.

Early Saturday morning (real early), depart JB, cross the causeway and head towards the venue. Park, eat breakfast, be the first at the venue. Since at least 5 will be going back same day, we need to try to get the guys back to KL in 2 cars for the crossing.

The plan is not yet clear for the guys staying back for the second day, but we'll clear this action item in the next couple of weeks.

So far, we have the following cars in the convoy:
1. me (full with Jeff and Rizal. I do suggest no more than 3 per car)
2. Khairul Effendy
3. Dann Toh

Please contact these people if you need a ride. So far, all the cars that have volunteered are planning to stay in Singapore for 2 days.

We need volunteers for at least 2 more cars please. Ideally, these are the 2 cars that will be only making a day trip into Singapore.

Outstanding action items:
1. Complete registration
2. Complete army lists and mail them
3. Volunteers for 2 more cars
4. Hotel booking for JB
5. For the guys staying in Singapore, we need 1 more meet to determine plan of action there

And finally, a reminder - please make sure you have valid passports with at least 6 months validity left on it. Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ironclad Dreadnought Coming

Here’s a cool pic I received in the latest GW newsletter. This looks fantastic!