
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Something New on the Horizon...

Howdy, folks!

I've just gotten done having another lunch meeting with two respected members of Legio Malaysia, Arzmi and Khairul. As some of you may already know, they are planning to run a 40K Doubles Tournament. This tournament is taking place on March 5th, and very soon we'll be posting more details on this event. However, before we do, there's another part of this tournament that represents a brand-new concept to Legio tournament play. This will be the first "Legio Hobby Tournament" we've ever run, as opposed to the "Legio Tournament" events we've run up to this point. "What's a Legio Hobby Tournament?" you might ask...

Legio Hobby Tournaments (LHTs) are events that will feature the "hobby side" of things as the primary award emphasis. Best Army is the highest award that will be given out at an LHT, and the winner of this category also gets the Purity Seal. Unless there's some kind of odd format to the event (who knows what other LHTs we'll do in the future?), there will also be the normal Best Sportsman Award, as well as a Best General award given out to the player that has the highest overall victory points. However, Best General and Best Sportsman do NOT get the Purity Seal in LHTs. That singular award is reserved for the Best Army award, which will typically include painting, modeling, and background detail in the judging.

Don't get me wrong- these tournaments will be just as competitive and fair as any of the others we've run. Swiss system still applies, scenarios are fun and challenging, and players who live for the thrill of designing unbeatable lists can still have a ball crushing everyone underneath their mighty tread. Should this person have the highest battle point total, they will be known as the tournament's Best General and receive a trophy for their accomplishment. The challenge and thrill are still there. If you're not a strong painter, or you dislike painting and just get the minimum standard done, that's completely cool. You'll still get three games and a crack at some trophies.

Hopefully this makes sense to everyone. Personally, I think it's a great idea that came up during our brainstorming for the Doubles Tournament. I know there are more than a few folks out there who get their primary thrills from building and painting armies that tell a story and reflect a particular theme. This type of event is just for you.

For those who do not find much joy in these things, have no fear. The "Legio Tournament" format we've been doing is not going anywhere. We'll definitely run at least one big Legio Tournament next year, and you can expect the same tough games, great armies, and cool opponents as you've experienced in the past. The Legio Hobby Tournament format just offers tournament organizers a chance to create an event that puts the spotlight squarely on the hobby side of things. The 40K Doubles Tournament will be the first one using this format, and we sincerely hope that everyone has a great time.

In the meantime, what do you guys think about this? Post and discuss!


  1. Ave Legio!!! 2010 will be awesome!!!

  2. So many tourneys, so many goodies but I have a miserable timetable. Hopefully I will bethere for this LHT's

  3. awesssommmme! just the excuse i need to whip out something nice and cute ...

  4. Wah wah wah... Sorry Khairul, I can't settle my Eldar in time.

    I will bring my Orks, so let's see who wants to combo with me. Is? Arzmi? Doc? Heh heh heh...

    It would be hilarious to see both players bring 1750 or 2000 points of their army and attempt to finish the games within the 2 hour and 30 minutes mark. Should be quite possible. We must have a test run on it to see if it will work.

  5. I thought it was 1000 pts each player, 2000 pts per team..
    4000 pts per team on a 6x4 table would be madness, sort of mini-Apoc..

    on another matter, a Hobby Tournament..very nice concept..wondering if there's any 'Best Conversion' award though :p

  6. I've a feeling it's going to be a smaller pts size per player

  7. i love this LHT concept!! We'll see how it turn out in the Double's Tourney

  8. See if we can do something like a benefit for combined armies. Like when Eldar combines with Eldar they get certain bonuses, or Chaos combined with Orks they would get certain bonuses.

    But that would be quite confusing won't it?

    Thought that it might be an attractive choice for players to choose which army they want to play and combine with different types of armies that are out there...

  9. @alvin: just wait & see..I'm quite confident they'll come up with something wacky..if they took your suggestion, wonder what bonus we would get if our Alpha Legion forces worked together..Infiltrate to all marines maybe, hahaha..

    IF there's any of these wacky army combination bonuses, it'd be nice for a dual-RG army gets "Blessed be the Warriors" me & Kadir could go jump-pack-crazy again, hahaha..(wishful thinking)

  10. sorry alvin i dont think im able to play as me n khairul are organising the event. considering you guys sound so excited, ill sneak in some info cause you all so sexy

    the upcoming iron painter will be the best time and event to get your armies done for the doubles

  11. We're keeping it at 500 points per player which amounts to 1000 points per team. This being our first event and Legio's first double plus LHT, we want to keep it manageable.

    But first things first...BOOK YOUR PARTNERS!!! LOL

    hmmm Cikgu Din and Kadir. Brother Combo Mambo...

  12. Oooooo.... who wanna partner me? :D

  13. @Khairul : Angron and Sanguines can dance Mambo? :lol:

    LHT - Good Concept.

    Double's Tourney - 500 each too small. Make it 1k each.

  14. 500 points is a fantastic idea! It's a great change of pace, and people can use Iron Painter to get the army done. It also makes starting a new army feasible.

    Nice one!

  15. I'm with you on that Bro. Iron Painter is the perfect opportunity to prepare for the doubles. 500 points, new army, newly painted, small enough for you to try that army you've always wanted to try but put on hold.

    Get a partner now and you can already start all your diabolical plans to beat the rest!!! You'd already have a head start. IP is 20th Feb. Lots of time to plan with your evil partner!!!LOL

  16. well, to be fair, we don't know the scenario & theme yet..1000 pts per team seemed small now, but who knows?

    500 pts per player, ad we have no clue about the FoC..but, it definitely looks like my two TIE fighters is going to see the light of battle again..
    anyway, this will definitely change my plans for Iron Painter..

  17. Not 500 but 1000 pts per team. And its 2 on 2. It's teamwork in using your limited resources to their full potential to annihilate your opposition.

    Its LHT. Its the opportunity for you to show off your best painted minis. Not fun? Perhaps you should give it a chance first :)

    I know for a fact that your painting and tactics are top notch.

  18. @AK ... too small? how would you know? belum cuba belum tahu dude :)

  19. its a great idea. will have to see the rules pack first before deciding to join and add any more comments.

  20. @Joe: I can be ur evil Chaos partner bro!! Muahahaha

    500 pts are good enough for me, on a tight budget anyways..

  21. 500 pts.. Do i have to fulfill the regular compulsary of the 1 HQ and 2 Troops thing?? I can field in anything i want?

  22. Iz, wanna gang up? I'll bring me Orks!

  23. Hey folks if you could please start getting back on topic, and discuss the merits/challenges/questions surrounding the Legio Hobby Tournament concept, we'd appreciate it. We'll have a thread up regarding the doubles tournament as soon as the organizers get back to me with the rules pack. Thanks!

  24. Both players that combine must come up with a back story involving their truce. Or something like that. Then that gives both players a goal that they want to achieve when winning those games.

  25. I think the LHT concept is a great idea. It seems anyone can be a winner with the addition of the Best General trophy. At least some 'not so well painted' army (like mine.hhuhu) can still win. It's still worth winning eventhough its not a purity seal. This will kills the notion (if one existed) that only beautifully painted army stands to win everything. All you need to do is paint to a minimum standard.I foresee more 40k players will flock to an LHT event.

    Can we incorporate this LHT concept into other Legio tournaments? Personally, I think it will be awesome. The drawback is that the Legio commitee need to come up with an additional trophy for best general in every event.

  26. We'll have the Best General award be the Purity Seal winner in our future "Legio 'Ard Boy Tournament" concept for sure. As far the standard Legio Tournament goes, that would be a good meeting topic to discuss. I can see pros and cons with adding the Best General award to our current format...

  27. I just downloaded and read the rules pack - cool stuff!

    I especially like this tournament - there's a sense of working towards something (as well as the Iron Painter). These sort of events have been missing in M'sia for a long time, thus you see a lot of armies that are worked to kick ass, but sorely lacking in presentation. I'm very happy with this event - now to make sure I can actually attend it :D

  28. This is a nice concept. However, i think that 1 such event annually would be enough, especially if we're running the normal tournament, 'ard boys concept and any other kind. that way, there's something for everyone in each of these events.

    in my opinion, heavily "hobbying" a tournament will greatly benefit those with the artistic flair for turning toy soldiers into masterpieces, something most people don't have. Besides, to really highlight all this hobbying, we can have dedicated events such as Golden Kris and iron painter.


Please be civil in your comments- thanks!