
Thursday, September 16, 2010

RSVP Here!

Yes indeed folks, we're having Hobby Night tomorrow! Who's coming? We've got a brand new table done, which is actually a repaint of the old desert table. We also painted up some new rocky terrain, and while the table still needs a bit more, it is certainly playable "as is".

Hope to see you all out there!


  1. I'm bring along my Lizardmen and Space Wolves. Also you were right, Jeff. Doc did came up with a bullshit rule.

  2. LOL I was just teasing about Doc- I've always had great games against him. I'm sure it was just a mistake or something :) Glad to see you're coming tomorrow!

  3. I am so comming as been absent for SOOOO DAMMM LONGG... ITs been too long since i step foot at Legio..

    Will be comming.. and hopefully get some games going..

  4. The Brandenburg 6th Assault Grenadiers shall be there! Itching for a game. I'll also be painting the next platoon of my EW light panzer company

  5. I am also coming.
    @Ian- Which part of the rule? You need to enlighten me coz even me get a bit carried away with the new rules.
    Maybe a rematch is in place....hee hee hee.

  6. @ Doc: A Runelord and even a Runesmith don't give any modifiers for Dispelling. They just give additional Dispel Dice(s). But with or without a Runelord/Runesmith, Dwarfs get a +2 to their Dispel attempts.

  7. @Ian- See you tomorrow bro....there is also a few more mistakes that I have made. I will clarify tomorrow.

  8. I will be there with my VC. Me and Iqbal got a score to settle!

  9. lord general reiksmarshall elector count duke arzmi will be coming for some empire hobbying goodness

  10. The High Elves shall come and conquer.


Please be civil in your comments- thanks!