
Monday, January 31, 2011

Get your exclusive Kindred II : Heroes t-shirt

Just a reminder that if you register before or on the 16th of February, you will be entitled to this super nice awesome mouth watering chuck norris approved tournament t-shirt.

Perhaps some of you are still unsure of your army list for worries, just register by giving Arzmi your tournament fees (that's RM60 for your partner and you). Give him your shirt sizes and you're good to go. Army list can be submitted by end of March.

We really need to confirm number of shirts to be printed and also sizes plus get funds to process the printing of the t-shirts as soon as possible. Remember that if you register after the 16th of Feb, you WILL NOT GET a t-shirt but still have to pay the full registrations fees.

So what are you waiting for!!! Call Arzmi now!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

RSVP for the Bangkok Invasion!

Cooler and meaner than Chuck Norris, Khairul will be invading Legio tomorrow night with his monstrous brand of hobby kickassery! If you haven't seen him in a while, be sure to pop by tomorrow night and say hi. Remember, Khairul never sleeps- he waits...

Who's coming? I'll be there, doing who knows what. It promises to be a late night of gaming, so if you're itching to roll some dice get yer butt to Legio. Post Up!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Holy Cow! It's Good to Roll Dice Again!

While Friday was already the 3rd Hobby Nite of 2011, it was the first that I actually managed to get some games in - and it was awesome!

The hobby table was chuggin' - Jeff working on some kustom bases, Chang and his many Leman Russ, Iqbal and his continuing Chaos Warrior saga. I brought some models to do some test painting for a new color scheme I'm thinking about, but got ... um ... distracted.

I personally managed to get 2 games in with my Thousand Sons - an excellent nail-biter vs Kadir's space puppies, and a totally one-sided affair vs Joe's Ork horde (talk about getting swamped). There was also the return of Inquisitor Arzmi, meting out the Emperor's Justice to Subhan's Chaos marine folks - and the Vindicare assassin was really stylin' (took out a Defiler and some other notable characters).

The Warmachine Malaysia group came out in force, with about 9 guys duking it out in some cool-looking singles and doubles action. Looking at the real nice-looking models in action on the tables and terrain, I must admit I may finally be tempted into the Warmachine hobby. Just perhaps (and of course, that would add to my already long list of WIP armies, but hey, nothing new there ... lol). There was also Fantasy action going on with Kadir's first ever game - his DE vs Iqbal's Chaos Warriors.

I'm so glad we have lots of tables - 9 tables were in use at the same time. Hmmm, maybe I should go on a new terrain binge ... ok, maybe after K2. In the meantime, keep hobbying and keep them dice rollin'! See you guys next week.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Post-Thaipusam Hobby Night- RSVP HERE!

Tomorrow night is fast approaching, so post up here and let everyone know if you're coming. Arrange battles! Declare allegiances! In other words, hobby your ass off...!

I have no idea what I'll be modeling or painting tomorrow. Flames of War? Beastmen? Bases? Hmmm.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

RSVP Time! Yee-haw!

Once again our favorite day of the week at Legio Malaysia is coming! I will be there, working on...something (I have no idea yet). How about you guys? Who's up for some hobby?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kindred II : Team Hobby Champion. What are we looking for?

Team Hobby Champion is the ultimate award that we will be presenting during K2. This is the award that will earn the deserving team the highly coveted Legio Purity Seal.

So what makes a Team Hobby Champion?

Firstly, you must remember that Kindred is a Hobby tournament foremost. We want the teams to prepare the best looking, best painted, best designed and best themed army together. Winning battles and picking up victory points takes a second seat in our tournament(though we do have Best General Award for those who spilled the most blood).

For K2 we have made some changes to the original Kindred Judging Form to include more elements especially to include the eagerly anticipated Expendables. If you and your partner are aiming to claim this award then please study our judging form in the link below to find out what we will be looking for. Judging will be done together by Arzmi and me.

We hope that this will assist all of you in preparing your 750 points force and hopefully inspire you to bring the best that you can for K2.

Good luck everyone.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

At Last, We're Back! RSVP Here

After a two week absence for the holidays, Legio is back in action tomorrow night. Lots of buzz is about for the upcoming Kindred II tournament, and I'm sure people are just looking forward to chucking some dice, assembling models, or a host of other fell hobby deeds. I will be there hobbying- currently deciding between Beastmen or my SS Panzerkompanie. How about you guys?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

RSVP and some news...

OK folks, in addition to posting the usual Thursday RSVP thread, we've got some upcoming events we want to tell you all about. First, after a long hiatus, we're bringing back "The League"...

Friday, May 27th, will be the first day of Legio Malaysia's 40K League, Season 4. Rules will be posted soon, but for your planning it's a 4 week league with 1500 point fixed lists. If you've never played in a Legio 40K league before, check out the "Legio Downloads" section on the right and have a look at Season 3's rules. They will be similar. We'll also be handing out awards that night to the following Season 3 winners (assuming they are available to attend)

League Champion: Iskazri I.

Marksman's Honor: Khairul E.

Best Sportsman: Azlan R.

Best Appearance: Khairul E.

Now, it's been a LONG time since we wrapped up Seaason 3. Over a year, in fact. So, for Season 4, we thought it would be cool to finish up the league and awards ceremony a little quicker. SO, let's jump right in and chat about when we're going to do that, the Legio Birthday Bash!

The Legio Malaysia 2011 Birthday Bash will be held on Saturday, June 25th at Battlefront Miniatures. Full details/flyer are coming, but here's a teaser for what we have planned for the day:

Golden Kris 2011- Dann and Oliver have won the last two iterations of this. Are YOU next?

Season 4 40K League Championships- That's right, we're going to run the championship games during the birthday, and the winners will receive their awards along with the rest of the Birthday Bash event winners

The other event(s) going on for the Birthday Bash will be posted this weekend, so keep your eyes open for updates. In the meantime, RSVP here and let's get some hobby tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kindred II : Heroes - Legio 40k doubles hobby tournament

Greetings everyone.

We (Arzmi and me) had planned to release this rules pack on 1 jan rite at the stroke of midnite. But i'll be the first to admit that the unveiling has been haphazard to say the least. The blame is entirely mine and for that please accept my most sincere apologies. The release was also supposed to be accompanied by a post. So this is the post, 1 day late...

Kindred II : Heroes

Following up on the success of Kindred last year, this 16th of April 2011 Legio will be hosting it's second Doubles Hobby Tournament aptly named Kindred II : Heroes (K2). You can get the rules pack by clicking on the K2 banner above for more details.

But in short K2 is a :
1. 40k doubles hobby tournament
2. 750 points per partnership ( that means 1500 total points)
3. It's a hobby tournament first which puts more emphasis on the hobby aspect of the game.
4. All models must be fully painted as per Legio 3 colours standard.
5. All models MUST BE PAINTED by the player himself. At 750 points per player and having around 3.5 months till competition date, we truly believe this will be ample time for everyone :)

There will be 4 main awards up for grabs.

1. Tournament Hobby Champion
2. Best Generals
3. People's Choice and
4. Best Sportsmanship

K2 will be a super fun event!! Have a look at the photos of Kindred I on the Legio Photo Albums and please count how many smiles you see :)

At 750 points, its a good starting point for any beginners who want to experience participating in a 40k tournament. The atmosphere during K2 will be awesomely friendly so its always a nice opportunity for beginners to enter. This i promise.

So what are you waiting for. Find your Kindred, download the rules pack and start building your 750 points force.

We hope to see you at on 16th April.

Thank you all. Cheers.

Khairul Effendy

All Hail the Metal Rabbit!

Wow, 2011 already! 2010 went by so fast, I think we all ended up with more unfinished models than we care to admit (well, that would apply to just about any year, but even more so for 2010 for some reason).

Looking back, 2010 was somewhat of a tumultuous year for Legio. We had some really amazing things happen - BFG, Kindred, Golden Kris, Tournament of Skulls, the annual 40k Tournament. At the same time, we had some pretty strong Legio members being transferred out of country for one reason or another (Khairul, Faizal, Ivan), and we had to move to the relatively smaller room ("relative", because it still comfortably fits 10 tables plus change) due to serious expansion of our host's business activities.

2010 was also a year of a lot of personal hobbying on the part of Legio core members (you guys checked out Jeff's cool all-Wraithguard Iyanden army?). The Legio hobby table is permanently occupied every Hobby Nite - and on some of the slower nites, we actually had more hobbying action at the hobby table than on the gaming tables! Now that's pretty amazing!

2011 looks like it's going to be a year focused on the hobby. Kindred II is coming up in a few months, and already the brothers kindred have done an amazing job promoting it. I'm totally looking forward to see the armies that will be fielded for that event and have ordered the stuff for my army. The 3rd Golden Kris should draw even more amazing entries as the standards of the Malaysian and Singaporean hobby scene grows steadily. And of course, there are the tournaments and campaigns - and Apoc battles to be had!

I'm getting really excited for 2011. It's the year of the metal rabbit, after all. And metal is Legio music! See you at Hobby Nite!