
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kindred II : Heroes - Legio 40k doubles hobby tournament

Greetings everyone.

We (Arzmi and me) had planned to release this rules pack on 1 jan rite at the stroke of midnite. But i'll be the first to admit that the unveiling has been haphazard to say the least. The blame is entirely mine and for that please accept my most sincere apologies. The release was also supposed to be accompanied by a post. So this is the post, 1 day late...

Kindred II : Heroes

Following up on the success of Kindred last year, this 16th of April 2011 Legio will be hosting it's second Doubles Hobby Tournament aptly named Kindred II : Heroes (K2). You can get the rules pack by clicking on the K2 banner above for more details.

But in short K2 is a :
1. 40k doubles hobby tournament
2. 750 points per partnership ( that means 1500 total points)
3. It's a hobby tournament first which puts more emphasis on the hobby aspect of the game.
4. All models must be fully painted as per Legio 3 colours standard.
5. All models MUST BE PAINTED by the player himself. At 750 points per player and having around 3.5 months till competition date, we truly believe this will be ample time for everyone :)

There will be 4 main awards up for grabs.

1. Tournament Hobby Champion
2. Best Generals
3. People's Choice and
4. Best Sportsmanship

K2 will be a super fun event!! Have a look at the photos of Kindred I on the Legio Photo Albums and please count how many smiles you see :)

At 750 points, its a good starting point for any beginners who want to experience participating in a 40k tournament. The atmosphere during K2 will be awesomely friendly so its always a nice opportunity for beginners to enter. This i promise.

So what are you waiting for. Find your Kindred, download the rules pack and start building your 750 points force.

We hope to see you at on 16th April.

Thank you all. Cheers.

Khairul Effendy


  1. Sign me up bro! Iqbal and myself have been thinking up of fun armies to bring to the table. I know I have been up the last two nites thinking of which models to use as my "expendeables"

  2. The secret armies are under way, with deliveries expected in the next couple of weeks. Onwards!!!!

  3. Huzzah! Kindred is a fantastic experience, and I'm looking forward to it!

  4. Will be there to hack & slash.. shoot to.

  5. Alliance between me and Cookieyip has been forged. We wiil be there...

  6. A question regarding the RM30 fee. Is it RM30 per person or team?

  7. Still hoping I can make it. Too awesome to miss out. Great job guys. You will forever be my Heroes :)

  8. @Boon- RM30 per person.

    @Ivan- you is my hero too :)

  9. Bro, how do we pay up? i want in NAOUUUUUU! lol


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