
Thursday, October 27, 2011

RSVP Here! Turn 3 of Ghemehaal: Annihilation Will be Fought Tomorrow!

The campaign everyone's talking about continues tomorrow with turn 3. Personally, I can't wait to take pics, video, and see all the 40k action. As I type this now I am uploading the Turn 2 update to YouTube- tomorrow morning I'll update this post with an embedded player for it. In the meantime, if you haven't subscribed to the Adeptus Malaysia YouTube channel, why not take a moment and do it now? You'll be the first to be notified about all AM video updates, including Ghemehaal: Annihilation.

Post up here and let us know if you're coming to fight! :)

Update: As promised, here's the video for Turn 2!


  1. Ahriman and the Thousands will arrive to sow destruction and bring forth change to the minions of the false emperor

  2. The wolves has confirm to be there. No distraction this time.

  3. The Sanguinaries have returned.

  4. Kravin's Inquisition will be there, most likely be accompanied by the Hydra Cult of Pestilence and splinters of the Scylla Cell..

  5. I will try to be there, spectate and awkward painting my stuff while the epic campaign goin on =)

    Finger cross the traffic is not crazy and I'm not lost in middle of nowhere...=p

  6. opps, sorry forget to ask, what time you guys normally start?

  7. The campaign turn will start as soon as both commanders show up- probably by 7 tonight. After that, people can start games as late as 9 or maybe 10 and count for the campaign.

    "Me", who are you?

  8. Goh here, a.k.a limp in 40kmalaysia forum =p

  9. Ah gotcha- thanks. I'll start remembering that once you post here a little more ;)

  10. lord inquisitor arzmi speirs wilhelm etc etc will be arriving late tonight due to some 'foreseen' consequences. carry on gentlemen.

  11. Awesome video report Deathkorps!

    @Subhan: Did u gain weight?


  12. For the Dark Gods!

    I'll be there tonight!

  13. RSVP-ing on behalf of Yeoh Hong Yip a.k.a Robert..

  14. Yang chong teng whom we should all 'poison' will be there...



Please be civil in your comments- thanks!