
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hobby Night 04/05/12

T'was another great Legio Hobby Night with 24 wargamers in attendance. Yes, you read that right; twenty four. Kicking off the session was the First Legio Malaysia General Meeting in 2012. Unlike previously, this meeting was opened to all past and present members of Legio Malaysia, as well as to those who were interested to know more about the club. Forgemaster Jeff briefed everyone on this year's planned activities. Membership was also opened to all attendees. All that need to be done was to sign up on the new members sheet.
General Meeting in progress.
After the meeting , it was back to wargaming. Following the trend of late, there were five different game systems played that night; 40K, WM/H, BFG, FOW, and DUST:Warfare. Talk about variety. DUST:Warfare was also played for the first time since Jeff received his rulebook earlier in the day.
Obviously, there were some rule confusions which is the norm for every new game. Suffice to say, that there will be another game of DUST:Warfare next Hobby Night. Feel free to drop by if you want to learn more about this game but don't forget to RSVP yourself okay. Speaking of learning new games, the WM/H gang has also volunteered themselves for a demo night on the next Hobby Night. So if you want to know more about WM/H, come and join us on May 11th.
The Galactic Table made it's regular weekly appearance, and this time it was a full blown engagament between the Imperial fleet (Azlan) and the Space Wolves (Syamael). Watching painted figures being played on a very nicely painted table was really inspiring and satisfying, even to those not playing the game. This, was one of the reasons. Check out the beautiful space table.
40K made its return to Hobby Night with Space Wolves, Imperial Guard, Tyranids and Grey Knights. Four wargamers with four different armies, now that's what you call variety.
To sum things up, this was how the Hobby Night looked like as a whole. A full house, and a whole lot of juicy hobby goodness. But, what was Alvin doing with a green cloth back there. Was he screening for something?
There were no FOW games played that night. However, the FOW crew were busy taking pictures and setting up terrains. Hmm...what were these guys up to? For that, stay tuned.
FOW also dominated the Hobby Table, where you could see a lot horses and soldiers parading on the tables. If you look at the picture above, there were a lot of tanks too. This upcoming Firestorm: Bagration campaign will not be another typical campaign, as it has the properties of developing into a campaign of epic proportions.

In short, it was a super crazy fun night to be at. Definitely a place you want to be with after spending five days working for your hard-earned salary. Stay tuned for next week's edition of Hobby Night recap, or better yet, join us in person. You need not necessarily game or hobby during Hobby Nights, just hanging out with good friends talking hobby stuff is fun enough.

Speaking of which, the War Without End campaign has also kicked off on May 4th. For more information about this intense extended 40K campaign, please contact Alvin or you can just download rules pack.

Ave Legio!

P/S: Credits to Shukur for the awesome pictures.


  1. GAH! will attend this week to catch up with what I missed over the past few weeks!

    Hakim! Bring ur army, lets have a game!

    (and LOL for the inquisition censor on a certain bottled liquid =___,=)

  2. I MISS LEGIO....(and you guys, too)

    NIce work guys, the hobby is alive and well.

  3. That was an awesome hobby night! Walking around the tables, taking in the awesome sights and sounds of great looking models and games was in itself a great time. And that BFG game vs the puppies was fantastic! love it!

  4. Last friday was awesome.. was there since 3pm painting till 8pm. Plenty of soviets troops to paint. Later having the learning session playing BFG with azlan was awesome.. fighting againts the nasty Imperial Cruiser... hahaha who is calling who nasty..

  5. Sorry forgot to mention thanks to vuel for this awesome recap.

  6. Hi can anyone put me in touch with Khairul? need to email him something... Thanks..

    Awesome recap is awesome..

    1. Can, but since we're not familiar with your nickname, we may need your real name first. Some people would mind if their details were given to strangers ;)

  7. You're very right Mr. "Vuel" ;)

    Tremologuy doesn't sound like a hot chick...
    hope you're not along bukit beruntung or something similarly nasty.

    Kiddings aside, i've replied to your email Mawi. Looking forward to your proposed event for this week's Hobby Night.


Please be civil in your comments- thanks!