
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hobby Night RSVP 28th September

By jupiter's it that time of the week already?? Time really does fly by at warp 9 when you're having fun. Felt like it was just yesterday when we had hobby night...

Anyway, it's here again. RSVP if you're in for some awesome dices rolling gangster fun. Every hobby geek deserves his night out once a week.

RSVP with power. I'll be at the slaves market if anyone is looking.


  1. Now I RSVP! - 5PD shall be there!!!! Which Frenhie or Brit wants to cross my path?

  2. Ahh good idea! Spartacus could be cool, but mebbe I'll stick to Iron Painter prep with a test Dreadnought paint job!

  3. excuses à l'affaire: les joueurs jaunes. Je ne peux pas venir ce soir. Sœur Daphné est en ville pour la nuit et autant que jaimerais faire rouler 5 dés rouges contre elle, il semble sœurs, beaux-parents dispose de 10 innés dés noirs. Parfois, il semble que toutes les lois in-a 10 dés noirs lol. de toute façon mal voir sexy messieurs la semaine prochaine. Salut-hooooo argent!

    1. apologies to case:yellow players. I cant make it tonight. Daph's sister is in town for the night and as much as id like to roll 5 red dices against her it seems sisters-in-laws has an innate 10 black dices. Sometimes it seems as if all in-laws has 10 black dices lol. anyway ill see sexy gents next week. Hi-hooooo silver !!

  4. Will be there tonight but possibly a bit late, gotta roll out a bunch or reports for today's budget reading by our nation's dear leader...


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