
Friday, October 12, 2012

Warmachine "Black Steel" Tournament Announcement

As many of you know or realized from the cool banner at the top of the page, Warmachine Malaysia is running their first tournament in association with Legio Malaysia. Check out their announcement below, and be sure to get in touch and sign up!

The Black Steel tournament is the first Warmachine / Hordes event being run by Warmachine Malaysia with assistance from Legio Malaysia. This is also the first Warmachine and Hordes event opened to the entire Warmachine and Hordes community in Malaysia and Singapore. It is a one day event run in the format of a steamroller tournament with extra emphasis on the hobby aspects and most importantly, for all participants to have fun.

Warmachine and Hordes has seen a great year with the release of the colossals expansion book in June. The number of players has also steadily increased over the second half of the year with the Warmachine Malaysia Facebook membership reaching more than 80 people. Legio has also become one of the most popular gaming clubs for Warmachine and Hordes players due to its great vibe, friendly members and fantastic gaming tables.

The main objective of this tournament is to increase the exposure of Warmachine and Hordes to other tabletop game players. It is also an opportunity for players from Malaysia and Singapore to showcase their fully painted armies and battle it out on the table. Not only does the tournament reward the best player, it also aims to promote the hobby aspects of the game such as painting and terrain making.

There is a total of 6 trophies up for grabs ranging from best general, sportsmanship award, and hobby. Be sure to sign up early and reserve your spot! The rules pack can be had by clicking on our banner above or inside the "Legio Downloads" section to the right. Here's the basic details of the event:-

Date : 17 November 2012
Time : 9.00am – 5pm
Location : Legio Malaysia (
Entrance fee : RM30.00* Light lunch will be provided.
Rules : Please refer to the rules pack for more information

We'll see you there!

Dick & Mawi

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