
Friday, January 25, 2013

RSVP Time!

It's that time of week again, so post up here and let us know you're coming. Remember, like Yoda says, "Do, or do not. There is no try."

Two reminders for you good hobby people. First, please note that next Friday is the start of the fourth season of our 40K league. Signups are free, so join up today and have some fun rolling dice and pushing toy soldiers around!

Second and finally, for all Legio Army Throwdown participants don't forget that next Friday is the second throwdown. Only one week left, so be sure to keep working and get your Troops choice done. Including myself, Alvin, Arzmi, Dann, Doc, Janice, Patrick, and Shah have yet to make a throwdown. C'mon guys, let's get this squad done and displayed! For Doc and Patrick, get a picture of your Troops choice posted in this thread to count as having 'made a throwdown':

February 1st TROOPS Throwdown

That's it for today- see you tonight!


  1. Coolios, will be seeing you gents there.

  2. I'll be there with my Wolves up to 1750pts..

  3. arzmi rsvp if the rsvp is quite rsvp

  4. Will be coming tonight to some painting n drilling :)

    1. Sounds great! Who are you, again? Apologies but I'm not familiar with your handle

    2. Jeff you remember the guy two weeks ago who to came hobby night with two girls and the guards came in with him to ask if he belongs to Legio.

    3. Yes, I remember that. I can't place handles to names until folks post a few times. It's Joel, isn't it?

  5. Since I have the day off today, will be dropping by early..around 6 pm..

  6. Marvin here. I can't make it this Friday boys. Good luck with the throwdown.


Please be civil in your comments- thanks!