
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hobby Night RSVP 22 November 2014

It's grilling time at Legio for tomorrow's Hobby Night! And delicious extreme burgers and hot dogs are on the menu folks.
For everyone who have signed up to join our feast, grilling will start at around 8.15 and we expect to finish around 9pm. So if you want your food fresh and hot you need to be there around this time.

Also up is the Special choice fantasy throwdown. All participants are reminded to bring their models by 9pm as judging will start then and finish at 10pm.

Itl's going to be a BLAST!!! Rsvp here if you're coming :)


  1. Oh yes indeed! It is time to honor the Promethean Cult with fire and meat!!!

  2. The real reason why thou hast a Salamnders army


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