As many of you know, we had a club member meeting last Hobby Night. The primary topic of discussion was our future events schedule, and we came up with a few ideas. The one I'm most excited about is Iron Painter.
When I was still working for GW in the US, Iron Painter was the biggest event on my shop's calendar. It's a cool event, and we're doing it! Here's how it works:
Basically, it's an endurance painting event. In it's original concept, it's a 24 hour painting event, but for Legio we're keeping it instead to a managable 12 hours. You turn up to the event with at least 500 points of Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Lord of the Rings, or Flames of War miniatures. These models are assembled, based, and may be primed in one color. This force must consist of at least 20 models, and it must be a legal force. So, for instance, a 40K entry must consist of at least a HQ and 2 Troops selections from the codex of your choice.
You may not think it's possible, but in the "original" version it's 1000 points of models over 24 hours. Believe me, with a careful plan, a reasonable pallette, and dedication/focus, you CAN do it (and it not look like ass!) :)
So, join us on Saturday, February 20th for some painting madness. Clock starts at 10 AM sharp, and ends at 10 PM on the nose. Those who finish will be forever known as a Legio Iron Painter, and the winner (determined by popular vote) will get a Purity Seal for their well deserved victory.
Who's interested? Post and discuss!
EDIT: Assuming we get enough basic attendance, there will be three other "sub awards" available should you choose to be crazy enough to try them:
"Iron Skull"- Paint a 1000 point army of at least 30 models in the alloted time.
"Iron Halo"- Start the competition with all of your models sealed inside blisters and boxes- loose sprues and metal may not be used for this (as you could have prepped/cleaned them beforehand).
"Adamantium Mantle"- Complete requirements for both Iron Halo AND Iron Skull.