Some really serious dice-rolling was to be had at last nite's Hobby Nite. There was some hobbying done early on - Khairul got 20 asteroids done, I painted up a bunch of transports, Jeff was working on a large planet, Iqbal was busy with his airbrush and basecoating his Eldar fleet and Syamael was doing some work on his shiny new Space Marines fleet.
But for the most part, the nite was about honor and glory in the bloody field of battle (be it set in the Ol' World, some far flung planet in the far future or in deep space). The Fortenhaf campaign was raging all around, and I may be mistaken, but I believe battles were fought by Doc, Peter, Ivan, Arzmi, Ceiran, Iz and Alvin. I don't know if Iqbal played any WFB last night. At any rate, this is looking to be a hugely successful WFB campaign. Kudos to Jo!
The 40k front was quieter, and I did see Jo, Shazli and Subhan, among others, rolling out 40k goodness. I think Shazli and Subhan tried out a Battle Missions scenario. I meant to check out that battle, but I was immensely distracted ...
And that's because last nite was also the kick-off of the Arenxis Burns campaign. Jeff gave a quick briefing about how the campaign works (it's basically straight off the rulebook), and we quickly got to our first games. Khairul and Jeff had a tactically interesting Convoy fight, and particularly so as it was Chaos which was attacking an Imperial-defended convoy. Very evocative, very flavorful that. Soo Jin and I fought it out in an Escalating Engagement involving the bulk of our campaign fleets. This was a pretty big battle, and Kong and Nick were also there. Soo Jin's rock-hard Grey Knights clearly won the day gaining him untold Renown!
Nahri had a taste of BFG in a quick game with Khairul. I think Khairul's done more intro games in this past couple of weeks than anyone has in the past couple of years :)
We also had a quick Legio members' meeting to confirm stuff on key events like the Legio Birthday Bash and the November 40k tournament. We bid Khairul a good journey, as this is his last Hobby Nite before he embarks for Thailand next week on a 2-year tour of duty. Hopefully he may come back to the Legio regularly for some serious hobby now and then.
As usual, by the time it was over, I was spent. Absolutely tired, but totally happy! Here's looking forward to the next Hobby Nite!