Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Register NOW- half the spots are gone already...

I've just heard from Team Singapore, and they tell me that 9 or 10 people are coming up for some Warhammer! I'm really looking forward to meeting this crew, and I'm expecting some great competition and armies from them. I'm sure they'd love to take all the trophies with them back home to Singapore...

So, folks, if you want to be one of the lucky few that will play in Legio Malaysia's first ever Warhammer tournament, and blag the free tshirt that comes with it, you need to registered ASAP. By registering now, you not only ensure that your place is locked in, but you'll also help the tournament organizers get this thing done right, without last minute madness. Sign up TODAY!


  1. Hi Jeff! Please register me for the tournament with my Ogre Kingdom of DOOM! :D

  2. Got your email- you're all set dude!

  3. Wooot that's great news! I should be able to confirm in a day or two whether I will be officially joining as a player or as tournament grot.

  4. hi jeff, have you gotten my list yet?

  5. Ok. confirming that I won't be entering as a participant.

  6. I have a question.. I've submitted my list. Can i make changes to it later?

  7. Not normally, unless you've had a model stolen or something like that. What's the problem?

  8. Got some problem with the WYSIWYG thing. Shields and RXBs.

    I dont dare to make changes on the models since the problem happens on models that aren't mine (around 30% are borrowed models) which i just received yesterday. So the only changes i can see was on the list.


Please be civil in your comments- thanks!